Venus conjunct with Rahu

Venus And Rahu conjunction result:- 

What is Venus? 

Venus is the planet of happiness, love, relationship, beauty, dealings with people with balance, comforts, vehicles. Venus also presents sensual pleasure, sex, creativity for design and arts. Where is Venus sitting in the house of the birth chart the person feel happy related to those things.For example in 4 th house, happy about vehicles, properties etc.
Rahu and Ketu play very big role in mind evolution because they the split inside us.


What is Rahu? 

Rahu  is the north Node of the moon. It is the head without body, rahu is monster who want to taste nectar of this world but never satisfied no matter how it eat because it have no digestive system. It is the planet of desire.We all die one day, we all are in the process of evolution, but it takes many birth to get moksha because it very difficult to leave desires. Even in bhagavad gita there is saying that what you think in the last breath you will get in your next birth.  Depending on the rahu sign and house placement shows what you want in this earth.

Rahu conjunctions with any planet show influences of it on that planet. Rahu and ketu always shape shifting planet they behave according to the sign and planet sitting next to them, so what happened when Venus and Rahu come together.
When Venus and Rahu are come together the person is interested  to the things, that  Venus represents (Crazy in Love and Relationship). The person learning the lesson about the physical desire, here the native shows huge desire for those things related to love, to look beautiful, wearing exposing cloths, relationships, sensual pleasures, and luxurious items. The person may fond of eating exotic food, likes beautiful things, want to have all the happiness in life and all the comforts of the world. Because  this is their inner desire, they make effort to  get all these things and ultimately they get it. These people can be very good in arts and design.
Here venus energy get amplified the person may like to flirt to get sensual pleasure and have many relationship. But Rahu also like Ketu who is unsatisfied the person never satisfied with Venus stuff, and also cannot give security in love to another person because of this people may leave them, and married life can be ruined and converted into divorced.
The native suffer due to excessive worldly desire and learn the lesson and at the end the native become very spiritual. 
Depending on the sign and house placement this conjunction give different result. This conjunction can give huge amounts of wealth and assets if it occur in 11th house or venus making any dhan yoga in the chart.  If it is in 9th or 12th house the person may get foreign partner.
Venus is the wife in a male chart. If a man have this conjuction he may get a wife who is full of desire. Venus represents marriage generally, and in a man’s chart specifically the kind of woman he will marry. A man may be attracted to foreign women or women who are not of his caste or class, or someone who has had a rich and varied past. Rahu conjunction with Venus can make fearful of losing relationship and this can make the person possessive and suspicious in nature.
In higher venusian quality it gives diplomacy, true love.It promotes the non living things of the house they are placed.For example in 4 th house, they promote,  landed properties, mansions, many in numbers. Inearthly sign mostly this combination makes one a slave of desires.


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