Position of Venus and nature of your Wife
Venus and wife:-
Venus stands for wife in a male chart.
So it indicates the nature, character etc.for the partner in a male person.
It is an approximate analysis of the quality of your life partner.The detail analysis depends upon the aspect and conjunction of other planets on Venus.Also the 7 th house and 7 th lord has to be considered. But position of Venus as a whole tells a good story.
Venus stands for wife in a male chart.
So it indicates the nature, character etc.for the partner in a male person.
It is an approximate analysis of the quality of your life partner.The detail analysis depends upon the aspect and conjunction of other planets on Venus.Also the 7 th house and 7 th lord has to be considered. But position of Venus as a whole tells a good story.
Venus in Aries:
If a man has his Venus in Aries he may get a woman who is very independent, aggressive , very goal oriented, athletic in physique, very competitive in nature. These women are very impulsive in love, and responsible in nature. She is very adventurous and like to travel. You get a wife who motivates you in your life and dominating in nature.
Venus in Taurus:
If you have your, Venus in Taurus you may get the woman who is sensual, beautiful, and have nice voice. These women can be very demanding in luxurious things, stubborn, practical and like to eat good food. You get a woman who is loyal in relationship and give security to you financially. You may pursue woman who is rich.
Venus in Gemini:
If a man has, his Venus in Gemini he may get a woman who is very talkative, childish, impersonal, intellectual, creative, fun loving and lively in relationship. Woman may be charming and expert in doing hand work like sewing etc. Here a man gets woman who is very active in household work.
Venus in Cancer:
If a person has, his Venus in cancer he may get a woman who is very beautiful, emotional, sensitive, very caring and can love you like a mother.Your wife may belong to a royal or a rich family. You get a woman who likes to nurture, cook, taking care for you.Your wife may be artistic also.
Venus in Leo:
If you have your Venus in leo you may get a woman who is very royal, extravagant, like to dress well, and attention seeking. the women very creative she can be model, in acting, and can be in fashion designing. the woman can be public figure, like in politics, a bit selfish in nature. Here men need to be careful when they are choosing woman in their life because here woman wants a lot of appreciations and importance in a family.
Venus in Virgo:
If you have, Venus in Virgo you may get a the woman who is very criticizing in relationship. Although she may be very intelligent and clean in habits but she complains a lot about everything. She may be much health conscious. She may come from a very normal family.You have to be careful in relationship with her.
Venus in Libra:
If a man has Venus in Libra he may get a woman who is very balanced in relationship. She will be very romantic, hostile, nice in nature.She will be business minded.Shewill decorate the home with her choices and want to maintain everything tidy.She makes harmony and peace at home. Persons are lucky to have Venus in Libra.
Venus in Scorpio:
If you have your Venus in Scorpio you may get a woman who is very unpredictable and very deep in relationship. The woman can be very possessive, suspicious, mean and very investigative mind having less sense of beauty in the relationship and love. Here the man get a woman who is in mysticism of life and kind of mysterious.
Venus in Sagittarius:
If you have your Venus in Sagittarius you may get the woman who is very philosophical, religious, spiritual and may be of different culture or religion. She will have good sense of justice,but will try to play a lead role in society,like a political leader.
Venus in Capricorn:
If you have your Venus in Capricorn you may get the woman who is very cold , conservative and backward in thinking,may be older to you.The woman will be very unromantic in relationship.You get a woman who is very organized in nature, can be very hard working, career and reputation oriented,with a low standard mentality.
Venus in Aquarius:
If you have, Venus in Aquarius you may get the woman who is very unconventional, social, friendly and eccentric type of woman. The woman don’t think about her own family but think about others. She may have technical knowledge, with,intellectual quality and beauty.
Venus in Pisces:
If you have Venus in Pisces you may get a pious woman in life. She may be very spiritual, selfless, and love for all kind of type. Your Venus is exalted means Venus has full potential,the man get a woman who is very loving to everyone and prefers solitude in life.She may bring good luck to you.
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