Special aspects of Mars
Mars Aspects :-
Mars the fighter a Yodhha is aspecting some houses means it always takes it in some aggressive way.
Mars is all about energy, stamina, the muscle power. If Mars is debilitated or combust then aggression is much more,ego is very high, that it can destroy the peace of mind and even can harm others. Mars - Rahu combination gives a killing power to Rahu's aspects. Mars is machines, industry,armed forces,weapons,electricity so person may get Damages from such things.If mars is much afflicted it can give unnatural death.
Mars by nature a malefic planet having special aspect on 4 th house, and 8 th house from its placement. Mars 7 th aspect has another meaning to discuss.
The 4 th aspect of mars is all about rules and regulations, protection. For example if Mars is in 2 nd house 4 th aspect on 5 th house.Person makes rules for his children from childhood,what to do and what not etc. also protects him/her throughout the life.
and fights for his children.
Similarly Mars in 10 th house, gives aspect on lagna.Person takes care for his body,health and health conscious. He/She may be interested in going Gymnasium for exercise.
But Mars 8 th aspect is different it is all of destruction or killing.It is Secrecy, it gives challenges to the house concerned.
When Mars is in 10 th house,8 th aspect falls on 5 th house- 5 th house is education, Children etc. So the person may hide information regarding his own education and children. Also more struggle for higher education. If somebody insists to know about education, then he keeps himself away from that person.
Mars in 12 th if afflicted specially bad as 8 th aspect on 7 th house, the house of life partner , so hides information about life partner or relationship - be careful. Mars in 2 nd house, gives 8 th aspect to 9 th house. 9 th house is higher authorities, father and Gurus,so some challenges from such sectors. Also hiding information about father or Gurus.
Now what it kills? It kills the obstacles in house of 8 th aspect. For example if 8 th aspect on 5 th then,removes obstacles of education or children but in destructive way,means destroying something to get those things in life. As Mars in 10 th house then to aspect 5 th, (By 8 th aspect), so fathers property may get destroyed, as 10 th house is Paternal property.
Mars 7 th aspect is all about dominance and control. Mars in lagna,person tries to control or dominate his/ her life partner.When it is in 3rd house,he/she wants to dominate over his/her boss or Guru(teacher),it produces lots of conflicting situations in life.,
Mangalik and Mars :- It is easily understood why Mars in 4 th, 7 th, 8 th house specially creates strong Mangalik problems. As i have explained in 4 th house, its 4 th aspect is on 7 th house, so tries to make rules and regulations for life partner. That is he or she wants a perfect life partner all around, who obeys all rules of house, which is not always possible. This creates problems in life.
In 7 th house it is directly controlling Boss or mentor or authority, so challenges the system, as 4 th aspect on 10 th house,that creates trouble in life with partner.
And in 8 th house it tries to control friends, making rules for them, as 4 th aspect on 11 th house. Also Presense of malefic Mars in 8 th in wrong dignity is always bad for sustenance of married life. As 8 th house is 2 nd from 7 th house. That is why 8 th house the sustenance of married life gets destroyed by Mars in 8 th house.
Thank you so much 🙏🙏