Adhi yoga and It's Beauty

 Astrology behind benefic  Adhi Yoga:-

The Adhi yoga is really a benefic yoga in Astrology.

Adhi yoga  may be of two types Either Chandradhi or Lagnadhi. 

 In  the case of Chandradhi Yoga, Maharishi Parasara requires that all the three benefic planets should occupy only one of the three stipulated houses (6th, 7th and 8th), from Moon.For Lagnadhi it is considered from Lagna.   Our view is that the intention of the father of Indian astrology is to refer to the individual position of the three benefics and not to their combined presence in one of the stipulated houses.

What then is the correct rationale that would explain the benefic results accruing from this wonderful yoga? The correct rationale to our mind would be to hold the second theory referred to above as valid. According to the second theory, what is of utmost importance is not the position as such of benefics in the stipulated houses, but the position as such of the Moon with reference to those benefics. The centre of our attention should be the Moon and the position of the benefics should be considered as subverting and helpful to the Moon. How? When any strong benefic planet is placed in the 7th from the Moon, it is quite clear that the aspect of that benefic would greatly benefit the Moon. The Moon being one of the three Lagnas (Lagna, Chandra Lagna and Surya Lagna), any strong benefic influence on the Moon will naturally enhance the Moon’s characteristics and traits as a Lagna, such nice traits for example, as health, wealth and power. So much for the benefic planet studied in the 7th from the Moon. As moon is the mother of all Planets so It's strength  gives strength to all yogas in chart.

As regards the planets in the 6th and the 8th from the Moon, let us consider for a moment the fact that a planet in the 6th house throws its influence on the 12th house, while the one placed in the 8th house throws its influence on the 2nd house. We can thus easily see that in the event of the 6th and the 8th from the Moon being occupied by strong benefics, the houses adjoining the Moon would be under great benefic influence and thus the Moon would, thereby, be placed in between two strong benefics influences, as if the Moon has a Subhakartari.

Thus, the net result in the case of Chandradhi Yoga is that the Moon’s strength is boosted not only by the beneficial aspect he receives from the benefic planet placed in the 7th from him but also by the beneficial strength he gets by being surrounded by beneficial influences. The principle that the planets placed in the 6th and the 8th influence the house or planet etc., from which they are so placed is not our innovation. The principle is to improve  Moon lagna.

If Malefic occupying the two houses adjoining the Lagna and the 7th house. Obviously both the sets of planets would adversely affect the Lagna and thus bring about early death or problem to native in early stage of life.

In the above discussion about Chandradhi Yoga, we have adversely qualified the benefics situated in the 6th, 7th and 8th houses from the Moon by the use of the adjective strong. This is in keeping with the spirit of Maharishi Parasara  also with the modus operandi of the second theory advocated by us for it is easily seen that stronger the benefics  in the three stipulated houses, the stronger the Moon becomes and as such the better the results. This is the reason why the Maharishi has given the best result, viz., a kingship to the strongest position of the three benefics and the least good results, viz., generalship of the least strength of the benefics.

Since Mercury and Venus are also constituents of Chandradhi Yoga, and since there are many chances for these planets to be in close proximity with the Sun, they are apt to become weak by that proximity and thereby fail to throw adequate benefic influence on the Moon, thus detracting from the value of the yoga. To guard against a mis-judgement of the strength  of the Moon in such an event, it was but appropriate for subsequent authors like those of Saravali etc., to issue the warning that the stipulated benefics must not only be free from affliction by association or aspect, but must also be away from the Sun in order to give the best result of it.


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