Numerology of Google- the big one

Google Numerology:-

Today i shall explain the numerology of the name Google to you.
In English Alphabet letters having numbers ase in serial order. For example letter A is =1, B=2,C=3  and so on.In this fashion  the Google adds up to number -61.If you convert it to a single digit it will be ,  6+1=7.

"7" is the no. Of Ketu in Astrology. Ketu represents the precision,calculation,intricacies, very difficult mathematical manipulation etc.
Now see all are needed to build up a search engine like Google a giant company.
But ketu has some mysterious behaviour also and some subtle variations in it. As ketu acts like Mars,It's use will be for numerous electronic gadgets, as it should be.Serious software development needs serious minded people, as you will find in company like Google.
 No-"7"- produces isolation and social distancing.Those who use these gadgets are really in virtual world without mixing with parents,friends cordially. Google becomes the friend philosopher and guide to them.   
Planet ketu has some negetive aspects also,it can create a mess in world by over dependence on it by it’s users. People are becoming slave of it.It is rather controlling us instead of guiding. Ketu has always some amounts of suspicion in it, so also this company.No-7 is again a divine number. 
So we expect that  divinity itself will check and control it.                         


  1. Veey nice. Does this go similar for individuals numerology.

  2. Yes friend, this also goes for individuals. Thanks for your comment


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