Rahu the Celestial Serpent

Rahu the Demon:-

Rahu as a serpent force is always related to some divinity. As we know the Indian God and Goddess all are anyway connected with some serpent power.Ancient seers assumed it as a part of creation and destruction.

                 Rahu  and it's nature:

                          ঔঁ রাহবে নমঃ

       Rahu the serpent demonic force is responsible for all types of technological advancement,development of civilization. Rahu gives a sarcastic tone in voice specially when connected with 2nd house of your chart.   Rahu is revolutionary and creative.Rahu always relates some foreign matters.Rahu creates Maya(the illusion),as like hiding the real truth from you.
So you need the blessings of Devi Saraswati - true knowledge part of Maha Maya-,that can break the boundary of ignorance.As you see another ruling deity of Rahu is devi Saraswati.  Rahu and ketu together maintains the creation of civilization and it's final catastrophe.So, ketu terminates the process of creation. That also means a new creation is ahead of us.So,also the life cycle of 'Life and Death',is going on.
Rahu is expansive in nature.For example let Rahu is with Mars.Then   the    courage -(Parakram), dynamic nature etc.of the person increases too much.Though it  is afflicting Mars, so person will be of dogged nature,may be angry at small things. Some astrologers opine that,Rahu is good in female signs.
We know that,  Rahu's controlling  deity is Devi Durga/ Parvati,because it is controlled by her.So Rahu gives
a bit better result in female signs like rasis - Taurus, Cancer, Virgo  etc.Though astrologer consider, Gemini is good sign for Rahu,still not as good as Virgo.
Another important  thing is,  as we know that, Aquarius is considered as the own sign of Rahu,so is good at this sign also.But it makes Saturn much more separative and malefic. So the planets those will be aspected  by Saturn gets separated from respective traits. Like saturn aspects Guru or Jupiter,then separation from Guru/fatherly figure.
Rahu acts like It's dispositor.For example say it is in Pisces rasi.Then it acquires Jupiterian quality. Though jupiter will get separative nature.It is known to be a fact that Rahu get pacified by only  by two planets - viz the Mars and Venus.

Rahu produces Mahalakshmi(very auspicious) yoga,when conjunct or aspected by kendra or kone( angular house) lords. Rahu gives better result in it’s dasa/ antara.Again, if Rahu aspects it’s dispositor, then also a type of Rajyoga is produced,result will be obtained in dasa of Rahu or It's dispositor.
Some people opine Rahu is 'Sudra'.So if your varna is Sudra -Rahu gives less malefic results as compared to the 'Brahmin' or 'Kshatriya' varna.Rahu is also better for 'Vaishya' varna.
Rahu is futuristic planet,always looking ahead, forgetting the past.It is that shadow that boosts the quality of other planet.For ex- Rahu with Venus, no doubt gives separation tinge to the partner of your life,but if Venus is strong, then Rahu improves Venus a lot and gives you all the comforts of life.
It is true for other planets also.
Rahu is expansive so extrovert, in


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