
Showing posts from 2020

Sexual thought process and Atmakarak

  Mahabharat and Astrology :- Astrology is directly linked to story of Mahabharat.   Queen satyavati was  a cursed nymph, who gave birth to sage "Ved- vayas" by  a  relationship with Sage "Parashar" without wedlock. Vayas means splitter, as he was responsible for splitting Vedas into 4 parts.The great sage vayas is the author of great epic Mahabharat. In Astrology Atmakarak(soul) of Jaimini sutram States a lot about the person born on this earth. Atma or soul gets that quality what the female or would be mother thinks during her sexual intercourse. If she is relaxed and thinks sex as a spiritual unity with the partner then the baby to be born would be of that superior human quality or Divine quality. But if she gets afraid much or gets more pain, thinks about previous bad experiences, then the new born baby will be like a tormentor or bad person of bad qualities. What she thinks is in her mind, what she gives birth - a soul merged with that mind. In ...

Retrograde planet effects

  Retrograde planets in Astrology :-   In Vedic astrological texts  retrogression has been considered as an indication of strength (chestabal is the technical term used for the strength of them). Some experts qualify further by saying that the natural benefics such as Venus, Mercury and Jupiter are strong while natural malefics such as Saturn and Mars are weak or evil when retrograde, unless Saturn or Mars happen to be ascendant lords or yogakarakas (by virtue of being lords of angular and trinal houses). Nothing more elaborate is generally made of the phenomenon of retrogression in most classics. Each planet represents certain attributes and natural portfolios. Likewise, each planet holds sway over certain houses in a horoscope. By viewing retrograde planets against such a background of information, interesting insights can often be achieved. Taking retrograde Jupiter as an example, a notable thing about nativities with a retrograde Jupiter almost anywhere in the chart b...

Adhi yoga and It's Beauty

  Astrology behind benefic  Adhi Yoga:- The Adhi yoga is really a benefic yoga in Astrology. Adhi yoga  may be of two types Either Chandradhi or Lagnadhi.   In  the case of Chandradhi Yoga, Maharishi Parasara requires that all the three benefic planets should occupy only one of the three stipulated houses (6th, 7th and 8th), from Moon.For Lagnadhi it is considered from Lagna.   Our view is that the intention of the father of Indian astrology is to refer to the individual position of the three benefics and not to their combined presence in one of the stipulated houses. What then is the correct rationale that would explain the benefic results accruing from this wonderful yoga? The correct rationale to our mind would be to hold the second theory referred to above as valid. According to the second theory, what is of utmost importance is not the position as such of benefics in the stipulated houses, but the position as such of the Moon with reference...

Vastu of Kitchen for Prosperity

The kitchen is one of the most important things in our home.It is the place for nourishment and prosperity also.It provides all necessary energies to work and gain in life too. So never be casual in placement of kitchen items.   Now most of us don't care much about the proper placement of kitchen items like ovens,basins,table,food grains, refrigerator etc. As the improper placement may produce serious Vastu Dosh/Problems. For example if you face towards North while cooking then you may never get monetary development in your family,kids or students suffer in educational sector and career. So never face in North for cooking or don't put the kitchen in North.North is the water element, it represents Mercury. As kitchen items are fiery so North is not suited. Mercury gets afflicted so education suffers. Direction South is also not good for cooking or facing. As south is the direction of Lord of DEATH the Yama raj. Soth facing kitchen produces family disputes and monetary losses. T...

Style Of Vedic Astrology

Hindu Astrology Secrets:-   Hindu astrology that is more popular with the common name as ‘Vedic Astrology’. A horoscope or natal chart of an individual is nothing but a screenshot of the cosmos in the sky at the time birth of that person. The horoscope is basically an illustration or picture that stops the cosmic timepiece and seizes the universe as it subsists.  Therefore, it becomes the basis for all the future predictions a native. The karmas of the previous life also come into the role-play while decoding the secrets of the Hindu astrology. Horoscope basically can be called a mirror of our previous life’s karma (both good and bad) on the basis of which the course of action for the current life depends and is decided. Just in case that we get to know about the time period of the bad phase of our life (which is a result of previous life’s bad karmas) in advance; then we can defuse the forthcoming troubles and problems while working towards the improvement of the overa...

Venus and Jupiter Conjunction

Venus with Jupiter:-  When venus the demon guru is with Dev guru Jupiter, it is auspicious for that house,where they reside,as two benefic planets are together in a house.     This combination is also good, when they together aspects a malefic planet like saturn, Mars etc.   Venus represents teacher of Demons, love, pleasure,  relationships, comfort, convenience of luxurious items like a car, clothing, jewelry, wealth, and beauty inside the home. Since Venus signifies pleasure, it can be any kind of pleasure sex, art, entertainment, interior decoration, anything related to having fun represents by Venus. anything which give happiness and pleasure is Venus.        Jupiter is a teacher of Gods, hope, guru, wisdom, teacher, expansion of thing, belief,superior - knowledge. Jupiter also represents spiritual growth through husband in a female's chart. It also represents fortune, wealth, luck, higher education, family, children, devotion...

12 th House and Relationship

Venus the planet of relations:-   The 12th house is the house of illusion, Secrets, ideals, Deception and self-Deception, dreams, drugs, chronic illness, institutions (hospital, jail) and intuition. 12th house is the house of shadow, secretes, loss, sorrow, escapism, bed pleasure and isolation.                   Planets in 12th house and ruler of 12th house shows, areas of life that is likely to lead to a loss. 12th house is considered a malefic house and this house produces problems in our lives and any secretes in relationship can leads to big problems. Of course, loss also can lead to great spiritual growth, so this house should be seen as a bigger picture of life. Planets in the 12th house of any one of the partner is important clue about personality, as 12th house is near to first house especially if the planet more than 20 degree. When the partner's planets are in the individual's twelfth house, and especially w...

When Venus in 12 th house

Venus enhance the prospect of a planet from which it is in 12 th :-                           Venus and 12 th house:- Venus in 12 th natural zodiac sign pisces is said to be most powerful. Venus in 12 th from lagna is held to give much affluence to tha native. Venus the embodiment of love,humanity, and luxury is really a benefic one in 12 th house. Venus in Cancer sign, generally gives royal and gorgeous wife. Venus when 12 th of a planet enhances it’s karakata(significance)  So when 12 th from jupitar, venus gives much wealth and fortune to a native. While planets in 8 th  house are generally inauspicious for good fortune,an unaffiliated Venus in 8 th house strengthen the 9 th house(as it is 12 th from it).So venus in 8 th gives much power and money. Venus in 12 th may give health problems in childhood but later on gives very good health. It makes the person fortunate about we...

Astrology of Corona Virus deep analysis

Astrology of Covid -19 :- The law of nature is mysterious and Rahu or Ketu is all about mystery carrying the effects of past life.Rahu is future and ketu is past.Rahu will show the future world.    Corona virus erupts because of Rahu and Ketu axis transiting  in Ardra and Moola nakshatra. Rahu is in Gemini and ketu is in Sagittarius. It  is natural zodiac 3-9 axis. 3 -rd, house communication and 9 th house law,judiciary government. Law of mankind is disrupted, all Govt.s are in stressed condition.  And we see all communications are hampered.   Ardra nakshtra is ruled by Rahu its own nakshatra and Moola nakshatra ruled by Ketu, its own nakshatra and here they are very strong in nature.  Ketu is a fiery planet being placed in Sagittarius a fiery sign makes it destructive.  In Vedic astrology Ketu is much more destructive than Rahu.  As it indicates a new beginning after destruction. All viral  infections, including pandemic is...

Venus conjunct with Rahu

Venus And Rahu conjunction result:-  What is Venus?  Venus is the planet of happiness, love, relationship, beauty, dealings with people with balance, comforts, vehicles. Venus also presents sensual pleasure, sex, creativity for design and arts. Where is Venus sitting in the house of the birth chart the person feel happy related to those things.For example in 4 th house, happy about vehicles, properties etc. Rahu and Ketu play very big role in mind evolution because they the split inside us.                 What is Rahu?  Rahu  is the north Node of the moon. It is the head without body, rahu is monster who want to taste nectar of this world but never satisfied no matter how it eat because it have no digestive system. It is the planet of desire .We all die one day, we all are in the process of evolution, but it takes many birth to get moksha because it very difficult to leave desires. Even in bhagavad gi...

Position of Venus and nature of your Wife

Venus and wife:- Venus stands for wife in a male chart. So it indicates the nature, character etc.for the partner in a male person. It is an approximate analysis of the quality of your life partner.The detail analysis depends upon the aspect and conjunction of other planets on Venus.Also the 7 th house and 7 th lord has to be considered. But position of Venus as a whole tells a good story.           Venus in Aries:  If a man has his Venus in Aries he may get a woman who is very independent, aggressive , very goal oriented, athletic in physique, very competitive in nature. These women are  very impulsive in love, and responsible  in nature. She is very adventurous and like to travel. You get a wife who motivates  you in your life and dominating in nature. Venus in Taurus:  If you have your, Venus in Taurus you may get the woman who is sensual, beautiful, and have nice voice. These women can be very demanding in lu...

Rahu the Celestial Serpent

Rahu the Demon:- Rahu as a serpent force is always related to some divinity. As we know the Indian God and Goddess all are anyway connected with some serpent power.Ancient seers assumed it as a part of creation and destruction.                   Rahu  and it's nature:                            ঔঁ রাহবে নমঃ                         Rahu the serpent demonic force is responsible for all types of technological advancement,development of civilization. Rahu gives a sarcastic tone in voice specially when connected with 2nd house of your chart.   Rahu is revolutionary and creative. Rahu always relates some foreign matters. Rahu creates Maya(the illusion),as like hiding the real truth from you. So you need the blessings of Devi Saraswati - true knowledge part of Maha Maya-,that can b...

Guru Chandal Combination in Astrology

Guru - Chandal Yoga:- This is a special yoga in astrology. In this yoga guru or Jupiter gets in conjunction with chandal -Rahu.There is much doubt about this yoga which i try to clear in this article.    Guru or Jupiter is real truth or purity, that being corrupted by Rahu here,so person may develop some bad habits,it also gives inclination to technological study, specially when they are in fiery or earthly sign.   Guru chandal yoga revisits :- ---------------------------------------------- Jupiter is expansive, so also Rahu. So desire for material acquisition,specially when in earthly sign.  In this case Jupiter losses it’s Satwick(সত্ব গুণ) quality .In positive aspect, when this combination takes place in water signs or in Sagittarius ,then it gives philosophical view point.In other sign it may give selfish and vindictive nature. The house where it takes place boosts, the non living matters of that house.For example if it takes place...

Numerology of Facebook the giant company

The Numerology of FACEBOOK  :- The numerology of Facebook is very interesting. As we know Rahu and ketu are technological planets,so they are always related to some sort of new and advanced technology. We all know Facebook is the pioneer in the field of social networking. Once there was a time when know body   knew it. Rahu produces development of civilisation that finally leads to a catastrophe. But befor we eat the fruit of Knowledge tree( gyan briksha),we can not but get attracted towards it's charm and beauty. Now as my earlier post the revealed numerology of it as follows :-   F=6(as serially A is taken as -1), A=1,C=3,E=5,B=2,O=15,k=11. So adding we get --58. We convert it into a single digit 5+8=13, and 13 Again as 1+3=4. So mulank or ultimate no. is -4. Now "4" is the no. of Rahu in Astrology. Rahu is new technology.Rahu expands everything in touch of it.So Facebook easily became a giant company. Our modern time is also ruled by technologies...

Numerology of Google- the big one

Google Numerology: - Today i shall explain the numerology of the name Google to you. In English Alphabet letters having numbers ase in serial order. For example letter A is =1, B=2,C=3  and so on.In this fashion  the Google adds up to number -61.If you convert it to a single digit it will be ,  6+1=7. "7" is the no. Of Ketu in Astrology. Ketu represents the precision,calculation,intricacies, very difficult mathematical manipulation etc. Now see all are needed to build up a search engine like Google a giant company. But ketu has some mysterious behaviour also and some subtle variations in it. As ketu acts like Mars,It's use will be for numerous electronic gadgets, as it should be.Serious software development needs serious minded people, as you will find in company like Google.  No-"7"- produces isolation and social distancing.Those who use these gadgets are really in virtual world without mixing with parents,friends cordially. Google becomes the friend...

Technical Study In Astrology,to become IIT ian

How to become an IITian:- If you want to become an engineer, that also from a top institute like IIT,then you need to make your  Rahu stronger.Rahu is a planet of technology. All the new research works,new developments are due to Rahu. Rahu makes the civilisation advanced. It always may not prove to be a good sign,still we have to proceed. The technology that we use like MOBILE phones,Android phones, Laptops all are ever-changing to new dimensions of developed models means new technology or new version of software. These all are due to unquenchable thirst of Rahu,more more  and  more.It has no end.                    Rahu when linked to the, Lagna/ 5 th/ 9 th/ 10 th house or their lords, it provides the possibility to learn technology that also from a good and reputed institute  like IIT. Your Rahu may be posited in the sign/ rasi of Mercury, Saturn or Venus.  Along with Rahu there are two planets also t...

Evil Energy and Evil Eye

There are Evil spirits,who can spoil, our total life creating problems in different aspects of life. Mostly 3 types of Evil energies can be judged as much injurious. All are related to some unfulfilled desires of past life.   1:- Hantu kaam - The evil spirit that wants to 'Hantu' means - kill you.It does not get easily pacified. So remedy does not work well.   When Badhak pati/lord gets associated with 6th/8 th house and lagna gets linked with it, this yoga may be formed.          2:-- Rantu kaam:-( রতি কাম)  In this case the Evil spir,, is lustful and wants you indulge in sex.Actuallyit wants you have more sexual activity by which it quenches it's thirst of sensuality.It can be controlled by proper remedy.Astrologically when Badhak pati/ Lord is linked to lagna lord or lagna Bhav,it denotes the yoga. 3:- Bali Kaam:-  In this case the spirit  wants you to sacrifice yourself,thereby destroying yourself. This is als...