Style Of Vedic Astrology

Hindu Astrology Secrets:- 

Hindu astrology that is more popular with the common name as ‘Vedic Astrology’. A horoscope or natal chart of an individual is nothing but a screenshot of the cosmos in the sky at the time birth of that person. The horoscope is basically an illustration or picture that stops the cosmic timepiece and seizes the universe as it subsists.  Therefore, it becomes the basis for all the future predictions a native.
The karmas of the previous life also come into the role-play while decoding the secrets of the Hindu astrology. Horoscope basically can be called a mirror of our previous life’s karma (both good and bad) on the basis of which the course of action for the current life depends and is decided. Just in case that we get to know about the time period of the bad phase of our life (which is a result of previous life’s bad karmas) in advance; then we can defuse the forthcoming troubles and problems while working towards the improvement of the overall quality of life.
Similarly, if we are aware of our good phases, we can maximize the use of that time-period by making bigger investments along with the willingness to take major risks in making bigger and important decisions long pending during this time of our life so that the results remain in our favor and the process remains smooth.
Hindu astrology has many hidden secrets, technical points, and methods with the help of which one can make clear and accurate prediction easily. According to Hindu astrology, there are many points to be taken care of in order to be able to make accurate and precise predictions for any native as per his or her chart. Following are few such points to be taken care while reading the horoscope or natal chart or birth chart of a person.
Native’s ascendant
Moon sign
The condition of a planet: whether it is debilitated or moving in a retrograde motion

Degree of the Planet: effects of having a higher or lower degree of a planet
Mahadasha Main Period and Sub-Period of the Planet

“Shadbala” of the Planet: Who is more powerful

Which House has higher points

D10 Chart: Position of the Lord of the Tenth House or the House of Profession

For Prosperity: Position of the Ninth House and its Lord along with D9 Chart

For Married Life: Position of the 7 th lord,  7 th house,Jupiter ( for Female) and Mars( for male) and 11 th lord, along with Venus.

For Affluence : 2 nd house and 11 th house and their lords. Also the  Indu Lagna.

Study and Education: Position of the Fifth House, 4 th house,9 th house its Lords along with Jupiter and Mercury.

For Personality and Character: Position of the First House and Its Lord along with malefic aspects on the First House (if any)
Planetary Positions According to Moon Chart
Position of Sun For name and Fame

Foreign Travels and Permanent Abroad Settlement: 
Position of the Third, Sixth, Eighth, and the Twelfth Houses and their Lords along with the placement of Rahu and Ketu

For Success in Property Matters:
Position of the Fourth House and its Lord and Mars.

Stable Income: Position of Jupiter and Venus and 11 th house along with 2 nd house and 2 nd lord.

Quality of Relationship: Position of the 3 rd house lord and Venus.

Prosperous Love Life:
Position of Fifth and Seventh Houses and their Lords along with Venus ( it should be made sure that there shouldn’t have any malefic effects of planets on them)

Health Status: Position of Sixth House and Its Lord

Long Time Health Problems and Ailment: 

Position of the Sixth House and its Lord with The knowledge of any malefic effects or wrong placement of planets (needs to be avoided to maintain good health) to know the tenure of the health issues.

Partnership in Business: 
Position of the Seventh and the Tenth Houses and their Respective Lords
Longevity: Position of the Eighth House and its Lord with 3 rd house and lord.

Salvation in Life:- 12 th house,Ketu and Jupitar as a hole.

These are few of the whole gamuts of secrets of the Hindu Astrology or Vedic Astrology with the help of which one can make  clear predictions. The biggest challenge and talent here is to be able to apply these predictions with intelligence, in a most accurate manner in the natal chart of a person which can be done only by  qualified and experienced astrologers.


  1. Very deep study.
    What will be effect of melefic Venus in Maha Dasha time?

  2. Everything looks dry and dull,love life will spoil.Life will have no enjoyment.It seems there is no happiness on this earth

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