Rahu the desires

       The planet Rahu  is normaly thought to be a mischievious planet, mostly it behaves so.  but benefic Rahu
  is even better than Jupitar.  Rahu is extrovert, wants to explore outside world and takes challanges of life, sometimes it leads to destruction and sometimes to a better future. Rahu could get  The AMRIT in ashortcut way, so Rahu tells us the way of shortcut in life, that is not always good.
                                Rahu provokes for everlasting demands, dissatisfaction, to engulf all pleasures in tha world, money, women, power everything, that is why it is an ill planet.  Rahu is shadow planet it give result in which it is by the starlord planet, also the planet conjunction to it and the cuspal position where it stays.
       One thing must be clear that though all are seems to be good  in birth chart, yet Rahu gives lots of trouble in its dasa or antara dasa, so it is pap graha( the evil planet).
                               Rahu worships MA CHINNAMASTA  , so it is one great remeady for Rahu to worship Ma CHHINAMASTA.   The remeady stone is gomed  for it.  rahu is enemy os SUN, MOON JUPITAR and friend of MERCURY, VENUS. 
                                 Rahu is responsible for differrent KALSARPA problems.
 Look for birth chart and take remeady if necessary.


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