Saturn the indicator of Profession
Saturn and your profession:
Saturn indicates your job/profession.It is karak of Karma the work. In natural zodiac it is owner of 10 th and 11 th house,so it naturally gives you the livelihoo, earnings.The position of saturn, its aspects,the planets in conjunction with it,all as a whole determines the profession.
In Nadi astrology the Rasi in which Saturn is located,has immense importance.Saturn aspects 3rd and 10 th house from it.So a planet in 3rd house from saturn, indicates nature of job.The Rasi in which saturn is placed has some basic qualitie, that determines the nature of your profession.
The planets those are in conjunction with Saturn modifies the result of Saturn.
For exampl, when Saturn is in conjunction, with Jupitar, the person may be a good teacher/he may be in teaching profession. Such a person may fail, again and again to learn many a things in his life,and those experiences make him/ her a good teacher.
But remember one thing whenever, Jupitar and Saturn are together in a chart , the house that falls in Aries sign,always stuffers.For example if in Leo Ascendent(lagna),chart both Jupitar and Saturn are in conjunctio, then Aries will be the 9 th house.So 9 th house quality suffers,as like higher education,father etc.The person may face lots of troubles in higher education.His/her father may suffer alot in his life,due to various reasons.
Saturn itself can denote the nature of your job/ profession. Rules you need to follow
1:-Saturn and its location in a Rasi,look nature of that Rasi.
2:-Planet in conjunction with Saturn.
3:- Planet in trine position (5th, 9th to saturn),and their nature.
4:- Planet, in 2 nd house to the Saturn.
These all things as a whole determine your profession. The houses those you need to study regarding service/job are 6 th,2nd,10 th house.If a person is self employed,then in his chart,Mars has to be strong or benefic. In this case planets like Rahu,Sun,Mars will be found in between 7 th to 12 th house in your birth chart.
Saturn indicates your job/profession.It is karak of Karma the work. In natural zodiac it is owner of 10 th and 11 th house,so it naturally gives you the livelihoo, earnings.The position of saturn, its aspects,the planets in conjunction with it,all as a whole determines the profession.
In Nadi astrology the Rasi in which Saturn is located,has immense importance.Saturn aspects 3rd and 10 th house from it.So a planet in 3rd house from saturn, indicates nature of job.The Rasi in which saturn is placed has some basic qualitie, that determines the nature of your profession.
The planets those are in conjunction with Saturn modifies the result of Saturn.
For exampl, when Saturn is in conjunction, with Jupitar, the person may be a good teacher/he may be in teaching profession. Such a person may fail, again and again to learn many a things in his life,and those experiences make him/ her a good teacher.
But remember one thing whenever, Jupitar and Saturn are together in a chart , the house that falls in Aries sign,always stuffers.For example if in Leo Ascendent(lagna),chart both Jupitar and Saturn are in conjunctio, then Aries will be the 9 th house.So 9 th house quality suffers,as like higher education,father etc.The person may face lots of troubles in higher education.His/her father may suffer alot in his life,due to various reasons.
Saturn itself can denote the nature of your job/ profession. Rules you need to follow
1:-Saturn and its location in a Rasi,look nature of that Rasi.
2:-Planet in conjunction with Saturn.
3:- Planet in trine position (5th, 9th to saturn),and their nature.
4:- Planet, in 2 nd house to the Saturn.
These all things as a whole determine your profession. The houses those you need to study regarding service/job are 6 th,2nd,10 th house.If a person is self employed,then in his chart,Mars has to be strong or benefic. In this case planets like Rahu,Sun,Mars will be found in between 7 th to 12 th house in your birth chart.
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