
Showing posts from June, 2021

Special aspects of Mars

  Mars Aspects :-  Mars the fighter a Yodhha is aspecting some houses means it always takes it in some aggressive way. Mars is all about energy, stamina, the muscle power. If Mars is debilitated or combust then aggression is much more,ego is very high, that it can destroy the peace of mind and even can harm others. Mars - Rahu combination gives a killing power to Rahu's aspects. Mars is machines, industry,armed forces,weapons,electricity so person may get Damages from such things.If mars is much afflicted it can give unnatural death. Mars by nature a malefic planet having special aspect on 4 th house, and 8 th house from its placement. Mars 7 th aspect has another meaning to discuss.  The 4 th aspect of mars is all about rules and regulations, protection. For example if Mars is in 2 nd house 4 th aspect on 5 th house.Person makes rules for his children from childhood,what to do and what not etc. also protects him/her throughout the life.  and fights for his children....