
Showing posts from July, 2020

Vastu of Kitchen for Prosperity

The kitchen is one of the most important things in our home.It is the place for nourishment and prosperity also.It provides all necessary energies to work and gain in life too. So never be casual in placement of kitchen items.   Now most of us don't care much about the proper placement of kitchen items like ovens,basins,table,food grains, refrigerator etc. As the improper placement may produce serious Vastu Dosh/Problems. For example if you face towards North while cooking then you may never get monetary development in your family,kids or students suffer in educational sector and career. So never face in North for cooking or don't put the kitchen in North.North is the water element, it represents Mercury. As kitchen items are fiery so North is not suited. Mercury gets afflicted so education suffers. Direction South is also not good for cooking or facing. As south is the direction of Lord of DEATH the Yama raj. Soth facing kitchen produces family disputes and monetary losses. T...

Style Of Vedic Astrology

Hindu Astrology Secrets:-   Hindu astrology that is more popular with the common name as ‘Vedic Astrology’. A horoscope or natal chart of an individual is nothing but a screenshot of the cosmos in the sky at the time birth of that person. The horoscope is basically an illustration or picture that stops the cosmic timepiece and seizes the universe as it subsists.  Therefore, it becomes the basis for all the future predictions a native. The karmas of the previous life also come into the role-play while decoding the secrets of the Hindu astrology. Horoscope basically can be called a mirror of our previous life’s karma (both good and bad) on the basis of which the course of action for the current life depends and is decided. Just in case that we get to know about the time period of the bad phase of our life (which is a result of previous life’s bad karmas) in advance; then we can defuse the forthcoming troubles and problems while working towards the improvement of the overa...

Venus and Jupiter Conjunction

Venus with Jupiter:-  When venus the demon guru is with Dev guru Jupiter, it is auspicious for that house,where they reside,as two benefic planets are together in a house.     This combination is also good, when they together aspects a malefic planet like saturn, Mars etc.   Venus represents teacher of Demons, love, pleasure,  relationships, comfort, convenience of luxurious items like a car, clothing, jewelry, wealth, and beauty inside the home. Since Venus signifies pleasure, it can be any kind of pleasure sex, art, entertainment, interior decoration, anything related to having fun represents by Venus. anything which give happiness and pleasure is Venus.        Jupiter is a teacher of Gods, hope, guru, wisdom, teacher, expansion of thing, belief,superior - knowledge. Jupiter also represents spiritual growth through husband in a female's chart. It also represents fortune, wealth, luck, higher education, family, children, devotion...