Vastu of Kitchen for Prosperity
The kitchen is one of the most important things in our home.It is the place for nourishment and prosperity also.It provides all necessary energies to work and gain in life too. So never be casual in placement of kitchen items. Now most of us don't care much about the proper placement of kitchen items like ovens,basins,table,food grains, refrigerator etc. As the improper placement may produce serious Vastu Dosh/Problems. For example if you face towards North while cooking then you may never get monetary development in your family,kids or students suffer in educational sector and career. So never face in North for cooking or don't put the kitchen in North.North is the water element, it represents Mercury. As kitchen items are fiery so North is not suited. Mercury gets afflicted so education suffers. Direction South is also not good for cooking or facing. As south is the direction of Lord of DEATH the Yama raj. Soth facing kitchen produces family disputes and monetary losses. T...