
Showing posts from November, 2019

Simple Nadi Astrology the Jupitar

Jupitar as lagna itself:- Jupitar is like our 'Atma', the soul of a chart.In Nadi astrology the placement of Jupitar in different sign or Rasi tells about the qualities of persons,their -nature,objectives of life,basic moto of life etc.  We have to look for the sign where Jupitar is posited,it’s 5 th and 9 th house,  the planets therein.The planets those are in conjunction with jupitar.All such factors as a whole gives us the clues to get some basic information about the person. Now we try to draw some overall conclusions for placement of Jupitar in all 12 Rasi/ sign.     Jupitar in Aries :-            When Jupitar is in Aries such persons are fond of sports,travelling.They are generally hard working people.They try to become popular by media,politics etc.They may work in Govt. Sector,mostly in army/ police.They want lots of adventures in their lives.Some of them faces failures repeatedly and may seek mental peace through a God ...

Saturn the indicator of Profession

Saturn and your profession:       Saturn indicates your job/profession.It is karak of Karma the work. In natural zodiac it is owner of 10 th and 11 th house,so it naturally gives you the livelihoo, earnings.The position of saturn, its aspects,the planets in conjunction with it,all as a whole determines the profession. In Nadi astrology the Rasi in which Saturn is located,has immense importance.Saturn aspects 3rd and 10 th house from it.So a planet in 3rd house from saturn, indicates nature of job.The Rasi in which saturn is placed has  some basic qualitie, that determines  the nature of your profession.        The planets those are in conjunction with Saturn modifies the result of Saturn. For exampl, when Saturn is in conjunction, with Jupitar, the person may be a good teacher/he may be in teaching profession. Such a person may fail, again and again to learn many a things in his life,and those experiences make him/ her a good teache...