Simple Nadi Astrology the Jupitar

Jupitar as lagna itself:- Jupitar is like our 'Atma', the soul of a chart.In Nadi astrology the placement of Jupitar in different sign or Rasi tells about the qualities of persons,their -nature,objectives of life,basic moto of life etc. We have to look for the sign where Jupitar is posited,it’s 5 th and 9 th house, the planets therein.The planets those are in conjunction with jupitar.All such factors as a whole gives us the clues to get some basic information about the person. Now we try to draw some overall conclusions for placement of Jupitar in all 12 Rasi/ sign. Jupitar in Aries :- When Jupitar is in Aries such persons are fond of sports,travelling.They are generally hard working people.They try to become popular by media,politics etc.They may work in Govt. Sector,mostly in army/ police.They want lots of adventures in their lives.Some of them faces failures repeatedly and may seek mental peace through a God ...