
Showing posts from October, 2020

Sexual thought process and Atmakarak

  Mahabharat and Astrology :- Astrology is directly linked to story of Mahabharat.   Queen satyavati was  a cursed nymph, who gave birth to sage "Ved- vayas" by  a  relationship with Sage "Parashar" without wedlock. Vayas means splitter, as he was responsible for splitting Vedas into 4 parts.The great sage vayas is the author of great epic Mahabharat. In Astrology Atmakarak(soul) of Jaimini sutram States a lot about the person born on this earth. Atma or soul gets that quality what the female or would be mother thinks during her sexual intercourse. If she is relaxed and thinks sex as a spiritual unity with the partner then the baby to be born would be of that superior human quality or Divine quality. But if she gets afraid much or gets more pain, thinks about previous bad experiences, then the new born baby will be like a tormentor or bad person of bad qualities. What she thinks is in her mind, what she gives birth - a soul merged with that mind. In ...

Retrograde planet effects

  Retrograde planets in Astrology :-   In Vedic astrological texts  retrogression has been considered as an indication of strength (chestabal is the technical term used for the strength of them). Some experts qualify further by saying that the natural benefics such as Venus, Mercury and Jupiter are strong while natural malefics such as Saturn and Mars are weak or evil when retrograde, unless Saturn or Mars happen to be ascendant lords or yogakarakas (by virtue of being lords of angular and trinal houses). Nothing more elaborate is generally made of the phenomenon of retrogression in most classics. Each planet represents certain attributes and natural portfolios. Likewise, each planet holds sway over certain houses in a horoscope. By viewing retrograde planets against such a background of information, interesting insights can often be achieved. Taking retrograde Jupiter as an example, a notable thing about nativities with a retrograde Jupiter almost anywhere in the chart b...