Saturn as justifier

The Saturn: This is the planet of spirituality. Saturn is one of the most powerful planets in astrological science.It s called Karmakarak or controller of works and activities.The rulling deity of Saturn is Mata Maha kali .Saturn is generally thought to be very inauspicious ,papgraha or separating planet.It is also Mohakarak,one of the best enemies of human. Saturn controls disease,work, last stage of life etc.It is basically eunuch planet,takes the form of that Rasi in which it is located. Saturn controls no-8. Saturn is karak of sorrow,misery, disappointment, problems and poverty in life.So the most dreaded and powerful planet that rules most of the aspects of our life.Sun, saturn combination is very bad,relation with father gets damaged.Sun,saturn and Mercury combination is very very bad,whole life gets problematic. Saturn gets exalted in Libra/ Tula sign,it gets weak in Aries/ Mesh sign. Mooltrikon sign of saturn is Aquarious/ kumbha sign.Saturn gets weak in fiery sig...