
Showing posts from August, 2014

Jupitar the Devguru

THE JUPITAR : The planet jupitar is the most important planet out of 9 planets. Jupitar  gives wealth, wisdom, knowledge, health, new child( male), etc. It is the planet that is called the putrakarak , and for females it is husband karak . This planet is the biggest planet  out of 9 planets.  The colour of planet is yellow,  very large and it is  responsible for giving properity, power etc.                        The devi of controller of Jupitar is Ma TARA. It is the planet that is called if Jupitar is beneficial then any other planet however malific can not do maximum harms.                    The dristi of JUPITAR is always beneficial, if the planet is becomes malific also.   Jupitar in any house gives big result of that house.  Rahu is the anti pl...