
Showing posts from April, 2014

Planet Moon

  THE MOON :   It is the planet of soothening feelings, motherhood, sympathy, love,affection, romance etc.         Moon controls the mental state,emotions  of human being.  luner  the word is related with moon, so lunatic means mental disbalanced. So when moon is disturbed, the person is mentally disbalanced, Moon also controls the overall education of us, so when moon if moon is weak or afflicted, or aspected by Rahu , it gives very bad result to us. Moon is responsible for watery ,liquid blood in body, so when weak blood related, female disease (to female) may occur.   So it is very vital planet for us,  it represents the natural motherhood, Moon is our mother, so if the planet has problem then we face mother related problems in life.It owns the natural 4 th house.             MOON stone, PEARL etc are remedy for weak Moon. If you respect your mother and love her, moon surely gets power...

Sun the Surya Naryana

THE SUN GOD The only visible god is the SUN God. It gives us life, light, everything.According to astrology it is the king of all stars and planet. It has its own light, it gives success in competition, gives kingship, gives courage to fight, also honesty is the virtue of Sun.It is hot planet so person of Sun the LEO  are also abit hot, not so polite but confident, fights at any situation, they don't afraid of anything.    MA MATANGI is worshipped by SUN. The colour is red, golden yellow etc. It gives us power of life longivity, truthfulness etc.   IT is the planet without it you can not be afamous person in any discipline.      so worship the Sun God everyday.