
Showing posts from March, 2014

Planet Venus

ASTROLOGY A TOOL:           Joy ma bhubaneswari: The picture you see is the goddess of planet venus , it is also the planet of prosperity , knowledge, marriage life, female characters etc. Mata Bhubeneswari blesses with all happiness and properity to us. VENUS the planet of beauty ,riches ,feminine gender etc . is definitely most important things in our life.  I am writting this article for importance of venus in human being and their lifves. When venus gets afflicted(by planet of opposite energy) then gets very troublesome . at those times family life gets destroyed, wife misunderstands the husband, wrong steps leads to agreat loss of money. so during this time worship the MATA Bhubeneswari devi, one avatar of maa Durga.                 the remedial stone of venus is DIAMOND and ZIRCON.

Astrology a logical Science

ASTROLOGY A SCIENCE :    Astrology  is science, as our recent revelations of new incidents of scientific discovery has already proven it. According to NASA the 27 stars  are known to be the most important to be observed. In our astrology also 27 stars have been defined as the  controller of human life in all respect. These are not co incidents rather they are the scientific facts that comes to be true in a differrent  way. Our HINDU religion and also some other religion have their own astrological facts and scientific discoveries.We want just the betterment of our mankind, is it not better to know our fate and other facts, before they hurl us in a drastic way? All arguments can be a good welcome but truth must win in the long run.
Astrology has always been a powerful science. It is the science that lead us to travel a mysterious world   with scientific strategy. India my motherland is always very rich in astro science and the Tantra . It is the devine science that guide us in troubles of life. Some people argues whether it is science or not, there are so manty logics that can be cited for it, for example the monyhly periodic cycle of women after puberty after each 28 days may be certainly linked with Moons period around the Earth , as we all know that is also 29 days almost.   Now we are in a dilema whether to accept or reject such theories, we must not forget that science has not been able to solve various mystries of nature, which can solved by this devine science.                           Later i shall tell all of it in detail.                 ...